
Putlocker - online movies in high HD quality free

 Make yourself comfortable, now we will conduct a tour of the online cinema Putlocker. First of all, let's find out: what do you want by looking at Putlocker? Of course, to look at the film.  The Putlocker website presents a huge collection of the best movies, which can be viewed at any time convenient for you, and absolutely free of charge. A few years ago, it was unthinkable to imagine that there would come a time when any movie could be watched online.  But progress does not stand still! And now you can not visit cinemas, not spend money on buying expensive DVDs, but just go to the Putlocker website  https://pipsli.net/en/android-apps/multimedia/172-free-movies.html , select the movie that interests you and watch it directly on the site. Even without registration! You can enjoy watching it on a cozy sofa at home or in a comfortable chair at work. On the Putlocker website, you can watch movies in the best HD quality of a wide variety of genres. At the same time, the collection is

A backup of the best alternative to Showbox.

 Unfortunately, the Showbox app, which we all love, has not shown any hope of returning for a long time. And most sites that allegedly offer to download the installation file and assure that the application will work, as a rule, deceive us. We download Showbox apk, but as a result we get an error when using It. But this is the best option that can be. After showBox stopped working, the scammers decided to make money on us by passing off their apps as the original. We download it, install it, and we are asked to buy some coins for an unknown game. And after that, the app is activated for sure. Nonsense…   So I decided to put together a better alternative to Showbox. 1. MovieBox Pro . There are two versions: paid, with an annual subscription for $ 20 and then your app will not display ads, and free. Of course, where the ad will be. However, you need to register to get the app activation key. Which you need to wait for two days, if of course it will come. 2. Cinehub . I consider it th

Лучшие игры на андроид от Supercell

   На просторах интернете часто задают вопрос "Какие игры у компании Supercell"? И я реши дать ответ на интересующий многих вопрос. 1.  Hay Day . Первая игрушка, которая обрела колоссальный успех и сделала команду разработчиков известной, это симулятор фермы Hay Day. По задумке авторов, пользователи создают и развивают свою ферму на которой садят а выращивают множество различных фруктов и злаковых культур. После собирают урожай и продают его на рынке. Игра пришлась по вкусу миллионам геймеров и принесла огромную прибыль самой компании. Ознакомиться с игрой и скачать ее можно тут.  https://pipsli.net/android-igry/arkady/30-hay-day.html 2.  Clash of Clans Второй игрой или даже вторым хитом, стала стратегическая аркада Clash of Clans. Компания уже получила успех и конечно при выходе новой игры, на нее обратили внимание. Уже в первый месяц после релиза, игра была скачена более полу миллиона раз и набирала обороты. В игре нужно развивать свой клан, ставить укрепление и защиту свое